三、主要科研工作与成绩 主要科研项目: 国家重点研发计划“主动健康和老龄化科技应对”重点专项,2020YFC2005804,典型功能障碍患者智能康复辅具研发及应用示范课题二,2020.7-2023.6,在研,课题负责人 国家重点研发计划“主动健康和老龄化科技应对”重点专项,2022YFC3601404,智能助餐机器人技术研究,2022.12-2025.12,在研,任务负责人 军口863-X06,2015AAX062966/2014AAX062226/2013AAX062435/2012AAX061502,XX机械臂技术研究,2012.8-2016.7,已结题,课题负责人 上海市自然科学基金,20ZR1437800,上肢康复机器人柔顺变刚度关节优化设计及其自适应阻抗控制,2020.7-2023.6,在研,项目负责人 上海市生物医药科技支撑专项, 22S31901400, 分体式智能康复护理床关键技术及实验样机研发, 2022.4-2025.3, 在研,项目负责人 教育部协同育人项目,202002039005,基于半实物仿真的康复机器人课程开发,2021.1-2021.12,已结题,项目负责人 上海市2014年度“青年科技启明星”,14QB1404900,超冗余模块化空间机械臂技术,2014.7-2016.6,已结题,项目负责人 总装载人航天预先研究项目,050101,面向空间服务的机器人航天员,2012.6-2014.6,已结题,参与
代表性论文: Hu B, Su Y, Zou H, et al. Disturbance Rejection Speed Control Based on Linear Extended State Observer for Isokinetic Muscle Strength Training System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022. Hu B, Liu F, Cheng K et al. (2023). Stiffness Optimal Modulation of a Variable Stiffness Energy Storage Hip Exoskeleton and Experiments on Its Assistance Effect. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. vol. 31, pp. 1045-1055. DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2023.3236256. Hu B, Xue J, Jiang D, et al. Wearable Exoskeleton System for Energy Harvesting and Angle Sensing Based on a Piezoelectric Cantilever Generator Array[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(32): 36622-36632. Hu B, Mao B, Lu S, et al. Design and torque control base on neural network PID of a variable stiffness joint for rehabilitation robot[J]. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2022, 16. Hu B, Yan L, Han L, et al. Coordinated compliance control of dual-arm robot astronaut for payload operation[J]. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2021, 18(3). Hu B, Tao H, Lu H, et al. An Improved EMG-Driven Neuromusculoskeletal Model for Elbow Joint Muscle Torque Estimation[J]. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2021. Wang D, Hu B, Chen W, et al. Design and preliminary validation of a lightweight powered exoskeleton during level walking for persons with paraplegia[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2021, 29: 2112-2123. Hu B, Chen H, Han L, et al. Research and Ground Verification of the Force Compliance Control Method for Space Station Manipulator[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2020, 2020: 1-17.
部分专利: 一种串联弹性髋关节助行器 ZL 2019 10065043.0 一种六自由度五指机械手 ZL 2019 11008253.2 一种模块化多自由度上肢假肢 ZL 2020 10444201.6 一种针对失能老人的二便自动处理装置 ZL 2020 11229589.4 一种具有尿检功能的二便自动护理设备 ZL 2021 10235085.1 一种基于压力分布检测的阵列式防褥疮护理床 ZL 2021 10266064.6 一种智能护理床垫及报警控制方法ZL 2021 10235039.1 一种基于医学图像的矫形鞋垫制作方法 ZL 2021 10277325.4