


















2003.12-2005.10 The Universityof Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center妇科肿瘤学,博士后



1991.9-1996.7 白求恩医科大学,临床医学,学士


2017.06-至今上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院 妇产科 行政主任

2013.11-2017.06同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院妇产科 主任医师

2009.08-2013.11同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院妇产科 副主任医师

2006.12-2009.08上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院妇产科 副主任医师

2001.12-2006.12上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院妇产科 主治医师

1999.9-2001.9上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院妇产科 住院医师









[1]Yin Y#, Chen H, Wang Y, Zhang L, WangX*(汪希鹏).Roles of extracellular vesicles in the aging microenvironment andage-related diseases. J Extracell Vesicles. 2021Oct;10(12):e12154. (IF:25.841)

[2]Sun H#, Wang H, Wang X, Aoki Y, Wang X, Yang Y, Cheng X, Wang Z,WangX*(汪希鹏).Aurora-A/SOX8/FOXK1 signaling axis promotes chemoresistance viasuppression of cell senescence and induction of glucose metabolismin ovarian cancer organoids and cells. Theranostics. 2020 May25;10(15):6928-6945. (IF:11.556)

[3]Wang X#, Li X#, Lin F, Sun H, Lin Y, Wang Z *, WangX*(汪希鹏).The lnc-CTSLP8 upregulates CTSL1 as a competitive endogenous RNAand promotes ovarian cancer metastasis. J Exp Clin Cancer Res.2021 May 1;40(1):151. (IF:11.161)

[4]Lin F#, Li X, Wang X, Sun H, Wang Z, WangX*(汪希鹏).Stanniocalcin 1 promotes metastasis, lipid metabolism andcisplatin chemoresistance via the FOXC2/ITGB6 signaling axis inovarian cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Apr 7;41(1):129.(IF:11.161)

[5]Zheng X#, Li X#, WangX*(汪希鹏).Extracellular vesicle-based liquid biopsy holds great promise forthe management of ovarian cancer. Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer.2020 Aug;1874(1):188395. (IF:10.680)

[6]Li X#, Kong L, Hu W, Zhang C, Pich A, Shi X, WangX*(汪希鹏),Xing L*. Safe and efficient 2D molybdenum disulfide platform forcooperative imaging-guided photothermal-selective chemotherapy: Apreclinical study. J Adv Res. 2021 Aug 11;37:255-266. (IF:10.479)

[7]Sheng R#, Li X, Wang Z*, WangX*(汪希鹏).Circular RNAs and their emerging roles as diagnostic andprognostic biomarkers in ovarian cancer. Cancer Lett. 2020 Mar31;473:139-147. (IF:8.679)

[8]Jin MZ#, WangXP*(汪希鹏).Immunogenic Cell Death-Based Cancer Vaccines. Front Immunol. 2021May 31;12:697964. (IF:7.561)

[9]Li X#, Tang M, Zhu Q, Wang X, Lin Y*, WangX*(汪希鹏).The exosomal integrin α5β1/AEP complex derived from epithelialovarian cancer cells promotes peritonealmetastasisthrough regulating mesothelial cell proliferation and migration.Cell Oncol(Dordr).2020 Apr;43(2):263-277. (IF:6.730)

[10]Li X#, Zhang Y#, Wang X#, Lin F, Cheng X, Wang Z*, WangX*(汪希鹏).Long non-coding RNA CTSLP8 mediates ovarian cancer progression andchemotherapy resistance by modulating cellular glycolysis andregulating c-Myc expression through PKM2. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2021Sep 12. (IF:6.691)

[11]Jin MZ#, Zhang YG#, Jin WL*, WangXP*(汪希鹏).A Pan-Cancer Analysis of the Oncogenic and Immunogenic Role ofm6Am Methyltransferase PCIF1. Front Oncol. 2021 Nov 23;11:753393.(IF:6.244)

[12]Xie W#, Sun H, Li X, Lin F, Wang Z*, WangX*(汪希鹏)Ovarian cancer: epigenetics, drug resistance, and progression.Cancer Cell Int. 2021 Aug 17;21(1):434. (IF:5.722)

[13]Wang X#, Li X, # WangX*(汪希鹏).Identification of immune microenvironment subtypes that predictedthe prognosis of patients with ovarian cancer. J Cell Mol Med.2021 Apr;25(8):4053-4061. (IF:5.310)

[14]Chen H#, Wang H, Zhou J, Xiong Y, WangX*(汪希鹏)Vaginal Repair of Cesarean Section Scar Diverticula Diagnosed inNon-pregnant Women. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2019Mar-Apr;26(3):526-534. (IF:4.137)

[15]Lin F#, Zhou J, Li X,Wang X*(汪希鹏).NOL4L, a novel nuclear protein, promotes cell proliferation andmetastasis by enhancing the PI3K/AKT pathway in ovarian cancer.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 Jun 25;559:121-128. (IF:3.575)

[16]Zhou X#, Zhang T, Qiao H, Zhang Y, WangX*(汪希鹏).Evaluation of uterine scar healing by transvaginal ultrasound in607 nonpregnant women with a history of cesarean section. BMCWomens Health. 2021 May 13;21(1):199. (IF:2.809)

[17]Wang Y#, Zhu Q, Lin F, Xie L, Li J, WangX*(汪希鹏)Development and internal validation of a Nomogram for preoperativeprediction of surgical treatment effect on cesarean sectiondiverticulum. BMC Womens Health. 2019 Nov 11;19(1):136. (IF:2.809)

[18]Chen X#, Li X#, Wang X, Zhu Q, Wu X, WangX*(汪希鹏).MUC16 impacts tumor proliferation and migration throughcytoplasmic translocation of P120-catenin in epithelial ovariancancer cells: an original research. BMC Cancer. 2019 Feb22;19(1):171. (IF4.430)

[19]Chen H#, Wang W#, Wang H#, WangX*(汪希鹏).Association between the occurrence of adenomyosis and the clinicaloutcomes of vaginal repair of cesarean section scar defects: anobservational study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2022 Mar8;22(1):187. (IF3.007)

[20]Hu W#, Xiao T, Li D, Fan Y, Xing L, WangX(汪希鹏),Li Y, Shi X, Shen M. Intelligent Molybdenum Disulfide Complexes asa Platform for Cooperative Imaging-Guided Tri-ModeChemo-Photothermo-Immunotherapy. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2021Jul;8(14):e2100165. (IF:16.806)

[21]HanY#, Ji L#, Guan Y, Ma M, Li P, Xue Y, Zhang Y, Huang W, Gong Y,Jiang L, WangX(汪希鹏),Xie H, Zhou B, Wang J, Wang J, Han J, Deng Y, Yi X, Gao F*, HuangJ*. An epigenomic landscape of cervical intraepithelial neoplasiaand cervical cancer using single-base resolution methylome andhydroxymethylome. Clin Transl Med. 2021 Jul;11(7):e498.(IF:11.492)

[22]YuG#, Jin M, Huang Y, Aimuzi R, Zheng T, Nian M, Tian Y, Wang W, LuoZ, Shen L, WangX(汪希鹏),Du Q, Xu W, Zhang J*; Shanghai Birth Cohort Study. Environmentalexposure to perfluoroalkyl substances in early pregnancy, maternalglucose homeostasis and the risk of gestational diabetes: Aprospective cohort study. Environ Int. 2021 Nov;156:106621.(IF:9.621)

[23]WangZ#, Song K#, Liu J#, Zhang Q, Zhang C, Wang B, Fu Y, Wang Y, YaoS, Xu C, Xia M, Lou G, Liu J, Lin B, Wang J, Zhao W, Zhang J,Cheng W, Guo H, Guo R, Xue F, WangX(汪希鹏),Han L, Zhao X, Li X, Zhang P, Zhao J, Ma J, Yao Q, Li W, Yang X,Fang Y, Chen G, Li K, Shen Y, Sun C*, Kong B*. Prognostic-RelatedMetabolic Score for Survival Prediction in Early-StageEndometrioid Endometrial Cancer: A Multi-Center and RetrospectiveStudy. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Apr 28;9:830673. (IF:5.091)

[24]Dou Y#, Song K#, Fu Y, Shen Y, Zhang C, Yao S, Xu C, Xia M, Lou G,Liu J, Lin B, Wang J, Zhao W, Zhang J, Cheng W, Guo H, Guo R, XueF, Wang X(汪希鹏),Han L, Zhao X, Li X, Zhang P, Zhao J, Ma J, Li W, Yang X, Wang Z,Liu J, Fang Y, Li K, Chen G, Sun C, Cheng X, Jiang J, Wang B, LuoD*, Kong B*; Chinese Endometrial Carcinoma Consortium (CECC). RiskFactors and Prognosis of Early Recurrence in Stage I-IIEndometrial Cancer: A Large-Scale, Multi-Center, and RetrospectiveStudy. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Apr 14;9:808037. (IF:5.091)

[25]Wu X#, Feng H#, Gao S, Feng H, Diao W, Zhang H, Du M, Lou W, WangX(汪希鹏),Zhu T, Zhang Y, Hu W, Xue X, Zhu Z, Xiang L, Li J, Fang X, Bai Y,Hou Y, Yan W, Qiu L, Yu H, Zhu S, Du Y*, Jiang H*. A multicenternoninferior randomized controlled study comparing the efficacy oflaparoscopic versus abdominal radical hysterectomy for cervicalcancer (stage IA1 with LVSI, IA2): study protocol of the LAUNCH 1trial. BMC Cancer. 2022 Apr 9;22(1):384. (IF:4.430)

[26]Shi T#, Yin S, Zhu J, Zhang P, Liu J, Zhu Y, Wu S, Chen X, WangX(汪希鹏),Teng Y, Zhu T, Yu A, Zhang Y, Feng Y, Huang H, Bao W, Li Y, JiangW, Zhang P, Li J, Ai Z, Zhang W, Jia H, Zhang Y, Jiang R, Zhang J,Gao W, Luan Y, Zang R. A phase II trial of cytoreductive surgerycombined with niraparib maintenance in platinum-sensitive,secondary recurrent ovarian cancer: SGOG SOC-3 study. J GynecolOncol. 2020 May;31(3):e61. (IF:4.401)

[27]Jiang R, Zhu J, Kim JW, Liu J, Kato K, Kim HS, Zhang Y, Zhang P,Zhu T, Aoki D, Yu A, Chen X, WangX(汪希鹏),Zhu D, Zhang W, Jia H, Shi T, Gao W, Yin S, Feng Y, Xiang L,Okamoto A, Zang R. Study of upfront surgery versus neoadjuvantchemotherapy followed by interval debulking surgery for patientswith stage IIIC and IV ovarian cancer, SGOG SUNNY (SOC-2) trialconcept. J Gynecol Oncol. 2020 Sep;31(5):e86. (IF:4.401)

[28]WuX#, Qiu L#, Lou W, WangX(汪希鹏),Zhu T, Zhang Y, Hu W, Xue X, Zhu Z, Xiang L, Li J, Fang X, Gao S,Feng H, Diao W, Zhang H, Du M, Bai Y, Hou Y, Yan W, Feng H, Yu H,Zhu S, Du Y, Jiang H. A multicenter non-inferior randomizedcontrolled study comparing the efficacy of laparoscopic versusabdominal radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer (stages IB1,IB2, and IIA1): study protocol of the LAUNCH 2 trial. Trials. 2022Apr 8;23(1):269.  (IF:2.279)






中华医学会妇科肿瘤学会青年委员会副主任委员、上海市医学会妇科肿瘤学会副主任委员、上海市疾控中心妇科肿瘤防治委员会副主任委员、《中华妇产科学杂志》编委、《Journalof Gynecologic Oncology》编委等。



